Friday, April 27, 2007

Uncle Peter's Amazing Chinese Wedding

A children story book written by Lenore Look, and illustrated by Yumi Heo. The story is written from a little girl's perspective. She loved her uncle Peter, her father's baby brother. She was in agony throughout his uncle's wedding. She tried to create some mischief during the wedding, but without much success. Everything went well. The bride was radiant, the groom happy, and the relatives too eager to welcome the bride into the family. The little girl finally felt at peace with his uncle's marriage, when the bride took her aside, and expressed her love for her new niece. The new bride let her know she understood the little girl's feelings, and thanked her for sharing Uncle Peter with her!

I had a similar experience growing up. Our family was poor, and shunned by most of our relatives, who were doing much better than us. We did not get many visits from them, except from one of my mother's brothers. He was our beloved uncle. He came to visit often, and bought cool toys for us. My siblings and I (five of us altogether) looked forward to his visits. He was a professional photographer too, so he often made us his objects. We were able to have some childhood pictures all because of our dear uncle!

However, one day, everything changed! He sent us some pictures he had taken of us, and inside was a note. He told us he was going to bring a "sister" out, and would not be able to come visit for a while. We were puzzled! We thought perhaps, "sister" meant us girls, but it did not sound right. Then, our mother had to break it to us. Uncle had a girl friend!

Of course, Uncle's visits became less frequent. Sometimes, he even brought 'sister" to visit. We also tried to do some mischief, but he married her anyway. She did not tell us she loved us, and thanked us for sharing Uncle with her. However, we realised she might have meant it anyway.

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