Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Solution to Sean's Problem

Sean was sitting on the couch, his feet on the coffee table, his face sullen. His room-mate, Danny, walked in. He took a look at Sean's face, and felt irritated. Sean was always feeling sorry for himself because he felt like a miserable outcast. Danny understood Sean's fear of "growing up", and being in the "real" world of "real" women. He stuttered in the presence of the opposite sex. He would start to sweat, and say something inappropriate. Danny had tried to include him in his social outings, but Sean always made a fool of himself.

The only place Sean was comfortable meeting the ladies, was at home. The ladies were his mom, and sisters. He was kind of a computer geek, and spent hours in front of the computer. Suddenly, Danny remembered something! He slapped Sean on the back, and cried, "Old Chap! I've got the perfect place for you to meet girls!" He pushed and shoved Sean in front of the computer, and clicked on a website offering dating services. Sean protested, "I don't have money to pay for this!" Then the word "free" flashed across the screen. Sean's interest was aroused! He was not shy about talking to girls on the net! In fact, he could be pretty sleek!

Sean talked to many girls on this free website over the following weeks. He finally was comfortable to meet one of the girls outside the net, and he did not make a fool of himself! Having chatted with her over the net the last few weeks made him feel like he already knew her. He was surprised how comfortable he felt with her - even in person!

This is a sponsored post.

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