Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New Wave Crashing on the Scene!

Bao-er waved to Shooby. They had arranged to have lunch at their favorite place - Macdonalds! Shooby put her laptop down, and went to order her food. Bao-er sipped her iced green tea while waiting for Shooby to get her food.

Shooby got her food, and sat down hurriedly. She had been earning quite a bit of extra cash from her writings! She was excited as she bit into her cheeseburger, and trying to turn her laptop on at the same time.

"Slow down, Shooby!" Bao-er laughed as she helped herself to some fries.

"Can't! I'm just too excited about finding this new site called Bloggerwave!"

"A new site? That's a cool name!" Bao-er answered.

"A blogger riding on a wave on a surfboard made of writings!" Shooby's imagination was always alive.

"Or the site that will create waves in the blogging world!" Bao-er gave herself up to the art of imagining too.

The site appeared on Shooby's laptop, and both girls perused the website with great interest.

"You know what that means, Bao-er?" asked Shooby.

Bao-er laughed, "More writing, more cash, and more new books for you?"

"Bingo!" Shooby joined in the laughter.

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