Tami's husband had passed away a year ago. Harry, being the eldest in the family of 4 kids, had stepped up financially, and took up part-time jobs, while still trying to graduate from high school. Tami was very grateful to Harry, and comforted by his "maturity". At first, Tami attributed Harry's dropping grades to his hectic school, and working schedule. Now, Tami knew there was more than met the eye. She blamed herself for Harry's folly! She did not know what to do, or how to confront Harry. She wished her husband were still alive!
'Entertainment Tonight' was on TV. Tami was ironing some clothes. She was not really paying attention to the TV. Her mind was some place else. Britney Spears appeared on the screen. Her head was shaved, and she was checking herself into a drug/ alcohol rehabilitation center. Tami paid closer attention! Her mind was made up! She was going to talk to Harry!
Harry came home from work. It was past midnight. He delivered pizzas. He pulled his tired body across the living room. The light suddenly came on! Harry saw Tami sitting on the couch, her face pale, and sad. Harry walked over, and sat on the couch beside his mother. Tami held her hand out, revealing the packet of white powder she had been clutching in a fist. Harry gasped! A number of different emotions took hold of him! He was scared! He wanted to cook up some story to pacify his mom. He was angry! So what if he took a little drugs, he was under so much stress, helping the family get through life without Daddy! He was devastated that he had broken his mother's heart, and let his late father down! All these emotions overwhelmed him all at once. He finally collapsed into such heavy sobbing that his whole body shook. He could not stop himself. He missed his father. He felt very, very tired, physically! He felt exhausted emotionally for putting up a strong front, when he was aching so much inside. Tami felt her own mixed emotions rising to meet Harry's. She stretched her arms out, and hugged her baby, as both gave way to tears of sorrow, pain, and fatigue!
Tami and Harry sobbed for a long, long time. Strangely enough, they felt better, after they could finally stop crying. Tami told Harry, "You need to get some help!"
Harry nodded his head. Then he looked up with a worried expression, "I can't let you shoulder the burden alone, Mom!"
Tami shook her head, "You are no use to the family in this condition," she continued, "We will work something out!"
That night, Harry went to bed, but Tami did not. She stayed at the computer, checking on aDrug Rehabilitation Referral Service site. The site not only could help Tami find a rehab facility for Harry, it also gave Tami a lot of information about drug addiction, the recovery, and aftercare support available. Armed with all the information, Tami felt more confident about being the parent she needed to be, and let Harry be the child he needed to be - for the time being.
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