Another stop light! It was ember! Beng was sure he could beat it! It turned red, but Beng's car was going too fast! He could not stop! What was that in front of him? A person? A box? Beng's vision was blurred! He thought he was stepping on the brake, but instead of stopping, his car was zooming forward! He swerved hard, to avoid hitting whatever was on the road! He crashed into a ditch! He passed out!
Beng woke up. He opened his eyes. His mom's face came into view. The lines on her face seemed deepened, due to worry, and lack of sleep. A tear fell from her eyes, as she saw her son reviving. At that moment, Beng not only felt his body aching from his injuries, his heart felt a sharp, seering pain! "Sorry," escaped from his dry, and cracked lips. Beng's mom stretched out her hands, and held his in a tight grip, her face breaking into a smile of relief.
Beng sat near the water, his head bent, writing in a journal. He had been at the Stone Hawk Rehabilitation Center for two months now. He checked himself into the center for alcoholism treatment. The tranquil environment at the center helped Beng feel relaxed, and full of hope for his future. The counselors at the center did not treat Beng like a criminal, but a student, and friend who had messed up, and worthy of being helped. Away from his drinking friends, and the noise and excitement of pubs, and parties, Beng realised his folly! He could not believe he nearly ended his life, and perhaps some one else's too, because of his foolishness!
Initially, Beng was a little nervous about his ability to live a clean life away from the center, even though he had been taught the skills to do so. However, he was told that there were aftercare services available, to make sure he had support even after he "graduated" from the center. Beng smiled, as he closed his journal. He felt he was given a second chance to live. He was going to live it very differently. That was the silent promise he made!
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