Monday, April 23, 2012

Be a good one

Thanks for the guest post by Donn Schroeder

Have you ever heard the old saying by Abraham Lincoln, “Whatever you are, be a good one”? Well that is just exactly what I am trying to do while being a stay at home mom. I am trying to be a good one. I know I don’t contribute to our family by going out and making an income. But, I think that the time I spend at home with my children can’t have a price put on it. I think that the best present you can give anyone is your time and your attention. The only thing I don’t like about being home all the time is when my husband travels I get a little nervous every time I hear a creak in the house. That is why I told him we have to look into getting a security system from He thinks that I am just a wimp and always says that nothing is going to happen…that it is all in my imagination. But it certainly was not my imagination when our next door neighbor’s house got broken into while they were gone on a trip.

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