Henry would be going out of town on a business trip in a few days. He would be gone for a longer period of time. Mary was thinking about transforming the garage to a 'haven' for Henry, as his birthday present this year. Mary did not really know what to do, so she got on the computer and found this wonderful website, where she could get attractive garage cabinets to hide all the children's toys, and all the unsightly things in the garage.
On top of that, she could also get interesting accessories to decorate the garage, to make it a more "guyish" place, where Henry would feel like hanging out. Mary planned to make it a place that Henry could even invite his friends over and watch football games with, and have snacks together. The selection of cabinets was wide, and Mary could not believe how much the garage would be transformed once the cabinets were installed. Mary thought she might even feel like hanging out in it, when the renovations were all done!
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