Tuesday, February 6, 2007

I survived! (Part 1)

Parents are funny beings. They are there from the time
you are born. They get to choose to have you. You don't
get to choose them.

My parents didn't want to have me.
"Too poor," they said. My mother took a potion the
doctor prescribed her which was supposed to do the work
of getting rid of me. Apparently, she was tricked. The
doctor thought I was too old to be aborted. My mother
threw up after taking the potion. I survived! I was
added to my parents' existing brood of four.

I was hungry. My tummy hurt. I opened my mouth and
yelled. Where were my parents? Weren't they supposed to
feed me? I know I said they didn't want me, but I wasn't
supposed to know that till I was older! A hand came over
my mouth, "Shh....". What was that supposed to mean?
Then I heard loud banging from the room next door. Our
neighbor obviously didn't like my yelling. My dad
shouted something in answer to the banging. I licked the
hand covering my mouth. Salty, but it wasn't what I
wanted. Milk! I wanted milk!

Something was stuck into my mouth eventually. I didn't
care what, but sucked on it ravenously. Ah! Milk at
last. My parents talked in hushed tones as I ate
contentedly. I caught words here and there, "...borrow
money from auntie Gu...a job opening at the lumber
factory.....". Of course, I didn't understand a word of
what was spoken then.

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